Academic Ableism Webinar

Webinar on Academic Ableism

 Shaping Future Academia for Disability Inclusion

Disability is an important aspect of diversity, affecting life, work, and education in academia. Wishing to offer the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of ETH life to the best of their abilities and desires, we proposed an informative public event with contributions from experts and focused discussions. Three renowned experts from different academic institutions guided us in understanding the impact of ableism at the University and the disability-related barriers that limit the development of educational and professional paths in scientific careers.

“Addressing ableism in academia: experiences and impact of ableism among faculty and staff” – Prof. Sally Lindsay (University of Toronto)

“Academic Ableism and its Alternatives”- Prof. Jay Dolmage (Waterloo University)

“Barriers to academic employment due to disability”- Dr. Jonathan Levitt (University of Wolverhampton)

In this workshop, we explored the opportunities to build more accessible spaces (such as classrooms and campuses), as well as more inclusive learning technologies and strategies for education, scientific exchange, or career development.


Dr. Miriam Filippi (she/her – and Tatiana Akhmetshina (she/her-