
Research funding opportunities for academic staff – 15.4.2019

Update 16.4.2019: You can download the presentation slides from the event using the link provided below: Are you looking for research funding? Do you want to know more about the different Swiss and European/international funding opportunities available for people around postdoc level? Do you want to hear about experiences from people who actually succeeded in…
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Statement on the recent news coverage of ETH Zurich

The following text was sent to our members on 27.3.2019. We publish it here for members of the scientific staff and other interested people that did not receive it. We welcome questions, remarks and critiques: Dear doctoral students, postdocs and higher scientific staff, With this letter, we express our opinion on the news coverage…
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Orientation event 5.3.2019

AVETH contributes to the biannual orientation event for new scientific staff that is organised by ETH. Did you want to look up anything that was on the slides? Download our slides as a PDF! Did you miss the event? Here you can sign up for the next one! We wish you a great time at…
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position paper by “actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau”

Today actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau published its position paper on the promotion of young researchers at Swiss higher education institutions. The position paper was drawn up jointly with all members and unanimously adopted at the last delegates’ meeting.  Florian Lippke, former Co-President of actionuni and member of the Swiss Accreditation Council, commented: We are aware that every university…
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AVETH General Assembly

The next AVETH general assembly will take place on Thursday, March 7, from 18:00 in restaurant Bellavista at Hönggerberg. The board will present an activity report from 2018 and an outlook for the year 2019. The new board of AVETH and all commission representatives will then be elected. The complete agenda and relevant documents are…
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Our Survival Guide

We are pleased to bring back our Survival Guide. Updates and some optimization to the content will follow soon!

Doctoral studies in the spotlight – Symposium “Doctoral Supervision”

What makes good supervision for doctoral students? What factors define the relationship between the supervisor and the doctoral student? A two-day symposium was held in January at the ETH main building to answer these and many other questions. In total, 200 ETH lecturers, half of them professors at all levels, about 80 doctoral students (including…
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Welcome to our new homepage

Welcome visitor, We are currently setting up a new website after technical difficulties with our old one. This is a work in progress but we’ve already decided to put it online to display some info. Thanks for your understanding.