[Call to Action] Together for a Thriving and Healthy Academia! Take our Survey!

Dear valued member of the mid-level academic staff,
How do you experience your academic life? How do you envision it? AVETH Cares! Therefore, we are conducting the Swiss-Wide Mental Health Survey 2024 (SWiMS) together with actionuni (the Swiss umbrella organization for mid-level staff associations).
The goal of this survey is to identify problems and areas for improvement in working conditions and mental health locally and nationally. The survey report with the results for the ETH, Zürich specifically will help us to foster changes towards a better working culture here. At the same time, combining local and national forces provides a unique opportunity for lasting changes.
Take the anonymous Swiss-Wide Mental Health Survey today:
It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Given the sensitivity of the topic, we ensure that your responses will be collected completely anonymously so that you cannot be identified from the data (for details on data protection and privacy, see the first page of the survey).
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact survey@actionuni.ch.
Thank you very much for your participation!
AVETH and ActionUni