Invitation to the 62nd General Assembly of AVETH

Invitation to the 62nd General Assembly of AVETH

Dear AVETH members,

We invite all of you to the AVETH General Assembly (GA) on the 15th of October 18:00 at ETH main building, HG E3.

  • Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
  • Time: 18.00-20.00 (approx.; apero until 21.00)
  • Place: HG E3ETH main building, or
  • Apéro: foyer HG EO Nord, ETH main building, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

We will briefly report on the activities of the board, vote on the budget for AVETH & Telejob for 2025, and have replacement elections.

  1. Opening (checking regularity of convocation, appointment of vote counters, approval of agenda)
  2. Approval of the minutes of the 61st general assembly of April 10th, 2024*
  3. Reports of the board
  4. Budget 2025*
  5. Discharge of the AVETH Board & Resignations
  6. Elections (Presidency, Coordinators, Regular Board Members, Representatives of Commissions)
  7. Varia

All relevant documents (marked with *) will be available on our website (final versions will be available from October 1, 2024).

Please don’t hesitate to come to the GA to get an idea about what we are doing and to meet great people.
AVETH is solely run by volunteers and we are always looking for motivated people to join AVETH and also the board. There are currently some vacant positions. Please reach out to us ( for further details in case you are interested.

After the general assembly we would like to invite all of you to join us for an Apéro in the foyer HG EO Nord, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich still in the ETH main building starting at 20.00 in person. It will have a selection of food and drinks to celebrate our new board and a busy year. You are also welcome to join in person after having joined virtually.

All members of the scientific staff are welcome to participate. We are looking forward to
meeting you!
On behalf of the AVETH board
Your AVETH Presidency