AVETH – ETH Zurich SOL B 7 Sonneggstrasse 33 8092 Zurich, https://www.aveth.ethz.ch/
Project contact: Cyprien Hoelzl, cyprien.hoelzl@ibk.baug.ethz.ch, +41 44 633 34 15
Software Engineer (part-time job)
For the upgrade of our membership management system, we are looking for a Software Engineer. The ideal candidate is expected to be a self-starter with a can-do attitude, because we are an association composed of highly motivated volunteers, where hands-on mentality is a must.
You will be working on upgrading and improving the member management system of AVETH in an amicable and international atmosphere, together with the presidency and administration of AVETH who will lead and accompany you in the world of Association Management at ETH.
The work will be project based, which allows for flexible working hours. The main amount of your workload will be spent on the development and upgrade of our membership database management system, which is used to manage the member information of the association and management of the membership fee payment.
This role is an opportunity to contribute to the systems that are used daily for the management of an association. You will get to learn about the inner workings of the administration of AVETH and at the same time, you will be able to bring in your own expertise and enthusiasm for smart digital solutions.
Your Profile
- Bachelor, Master or PhD student enrolled at ETH Zürich, ideally IT- or science-oriented.
- Solid programming skills in Javascript, HTML and familiarity with PHP and relational databases.
- Basic knowledge in the implementation of online platforms.
- Interest in the completion of a project involving the upgrade of a platform that allows the management of members, payments by AVETH.
- Independent problem solving mentality
- Working permit for Switzerland is a must.
What we offer
- Dynamic multidisciplinary environment
- Introduction to the IT processes of large organisations (AVETH & ETH)
- Flat structure and access to senior AVETH members for continuous mentorship
- Project based contracts and monetary compensation (paid work)
About us
AVETH stands for Akademische Vereinigung des Mittelbaus der ETH which translates to academic association for the scientific staff at ETH. The elected board of AVETH consists of volunteers who organize the political representation of the scientific staff at ETH, bring people together by holding a variety of events and offer counseling and other services for AVETH’s members. Our mission is to make ETH a better place to learn, teach and do research.
Let’s get in touch!
Please send your motivation letter (incl. CV) in pdf form to Cyprien Hoelzl, cyprien.hoelzl@ibk.baug.ethz.ch, +41 44 633 34 15