AVETH is actively involved in the internal political life at ETH Zurich
One of AVETH’s main functions is the political representation of doctoral students and higher scientific staff at different levels of ETH. The Politics Team is the subgroup within AVETH that focuses on ETH university politics.
Monthly meetings are used as a forum to discuss and work on various matters, such as statements on new regulations at ETH and topics that arise from the scientific staff through personal contacts and surveys. As a basic principle, the Politics Team meetings are open to the entire scientific staff. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion and initiate new topics. AVETH is involved in the political decision process and the representation of the scientific staff at several levels.
AVETH is frequently asked for its opinion on various projects happening at the ETHZ or ETH Domain level. We discuss these topics during the Politics Team Meetings to gather feedback from the scientific staff. For example, in 2020 we extensively discussed the new doctoral ordinance and its implementation provisions, the new directives on the employment of doctoral students, scientific positions for postdocs and oberassistenten, the ETH Domain Gender Strategy. We then use the feedback to create a formal consultation statement which is then submitted to the relevant body.
Please check out some of the most recent statements and letters we have sent in the name of AVETH.
If you are interested in a certain topic or would like to become involved, join one of our monthly meetings or contact the Politics Team via e-mail: politics@aveth.ethz.ch.
Under the AVETH umbrella, the scientific staff is represented by Department Associations (DA) in each ETH department. This gives us the opportunity to be involved in the departmental commissions (e.g. department conference) and further allows a great exchange across all departments. In addition, meetings are organized on average twice a year between AVETH and DA representatives to exchange information and ideas.
• ETH commissions (e.g. Strategy, teaching, ASVZ, WOKO, Forum Nachwuchsförderung, etc.)
• University Assembly
• Regular meetings with the Executive Board (e.g. ETH rector, president, vice-presidents, etc.)
• Occasional meetings with members of the Lecturer’s Conference (KdL)
• Membership in ActionUni— the Swiss organization for scientific staff
• EuroDoc—an organization for doctoral students across Europe.