AVETH 54rd General Assembly October 8, 2020

Date: Thursday, October 08, 2020
Time: 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. (approx.)
Place: HG D 1.1, Campus Zentrum
Due to the still ongoing COVID-19
situation, it will also be possible to join and vote remotely over zoom, with
meeting ID 916 4685 6641 https://ethz.zoom.us/j/91646856641?pwd=UmdxZDUyR0NlZWtZakpVMTdMS2RkUT09
Password: AVETH_2020
If you decide to join in person, please be aware of the current BAG (https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html) and ETH (https://ethz.ch/services/en/news-and-events/coronavirus.html) measures in place. We request to wear a mask when in public transport, inside the ETH building, until you are at your seat. Please keep the safety distance between yourself and others if you do not want to wear a mask when sitting down. At entrance, register at the desk where also voting cards will be distributed.
We will briefly report on the activities of the board, vote on the budget for 2021 and have replacement elections. We will also discuss and vote on the proposals listed in the agenda below.
After the general assembly, we invite you to an apéro at the Alehouse. A space has been reserved just for AVETH, in which social distancing should be possible. Because of safety concerns, no shared food will be provided.
The suggested agenda is the following:
- Opening (checking regularity of convocation, appointment of vote counters, approval of agenda)
- Approval of the minutes of the 53rd general assembly of March 12, 2020*
- Reports of the board
- Budget 2021*
- Proposal “Update – Bylaws”*
- Replacement
- Board
- Coordinators
- Representatives for commissions
- Telejob executive board
- Varia
All relevant documents (marked with *) are available below.
AVETH is solely run by volunteers and we are constantly looking for new people in all areas. If you would like to take part in AVETH projects and working groups or, perhaps, represent the association in various ETH commissions, feel free to contact us before the assembly (interested@aveth.ethz.ch).
All members of the scientific staff are welcome to participate. We are looking forward to meeting you!