Month: September 2020

Zurich for a Homeless person: a Social walking tour

In 2020 a lot of people all over the world are facing uncertainty. This makes us think about the life and challenges of the less socially protected groups especially the homeless. Surprise NGO was founded almost 30 years to support people that lost their homes and jobs. To raise the pulic awareness about the problem,…
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Wine Seminar and Wine Tasting at D-Vino

Did you know that the average annual wine consumption in Switzerland has reached 40 bottles per person in 2019? Wine is an integral part of our social life yet it can be very confusing. What are the differences in production between red, white and rose wines? How to make the perfect food & wine pairing? How to store…
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Diversity and Inclusion in Science

Register now for this virtual seminar series, where world renowned scientists and community leaders will explore unique themes at the intersection of social justice and science.  Schedule 15th Oct. 1-2 PM Dr. Catherine Shea Sanger – Diversity in Science 22nd Oct. 5 -6 PM Dr. Shaila Kotadia – Transforming Institutional Culture 29th Oct. 5- 6 PM Dr. Bala Chaudhary – Building…
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ALEA Award 2020 – Call for nominations

Every year, the Art of Leadership Award honors exemplary leadership at ETH Zurich. It celebrates group leaders who implement innovative working conditions to better support the reconciliation of work, family, and personal development. Is your supervisor fair? inclusive? supportive? or more generally a great leader? Nominate them! More info: open until: October 16Contact:…
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Robert Gnehm Grants

This autumn young researchers and administrative and technical staff can apply for financial support, if they want to attend a conference, complete a short research stay abroad or go on a specific business trip/further education and if this results in extra costs for childcare. In the current situation grants can also be delivered for online…
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Votation Information

Kündigungs-Initiative Allez voter! Geht wählen! Andate a votare! Go vote! Am 27.09 wird mit der BEGRENZUNGS / KÜNDIGUNGS Initiative über das Ende aller bilateralen Verträge zwischen der Schweiz und der EU abgestimmt. Die Annahme hätte verheerende Konsequenzen für die Wissenschaft in der Schweiz. Bitte, informiert euch, denkt darüber nach, vor allem geht wählen, und motiviert eure…
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