Month: August 2023

Transformative Teaching Course TeachForward: Bridging Theory to Practice for Doctoral TAs 11.09.2023

Connecting theory and practice and networking – This is what the new workshop format “TeachForward: Bridging Theory to Practice for Doctoral Teaching Assistants” offers. The workshop is in English. It is tailored to former participants of the didactic foundation course “Learning to Teach”, but open to all doctoral students at ETH with responsibility for their…
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SNSF Media courses for Researchers

Wie kann ich mein Forschungsthema einem breiten Publikum vermitteln?Aktuelle Themen wie die Covid19-Pandemie, der Klimawandel, dieEnergiewende oder internationale Konflikte zeigen jeden Tag, dass manüber die Grenzen der Fachwelt hinaus kommunizieren muss. DieÖffentlichkeit und die Politik sind auf wissenschaftliche Expertiseangewiesen. Daher ist es wichtig, die eigenen wissenschaftlichenErkenntnisse und die Debatten des Fachdiskurses in eine allgemeinverständliche Sprache…
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English text below JETZT FÜR SPRACHKURSE IM HS23 ANMELDEN! Die Anmeldefrist für Sprachkurse am Sprachenzentrum startet für Mitarbeitende, Doktorierende und Ehemalige der ETH am 04.09.2023 (ab 9 Uhr). Detaillierte Informationen zu den Kursen finden Sie unter Die Anmeldung erfolgt ebenfalls über unsere Website. Übrigens: An den Selbstlernzentren an der Rämistrasse und am Hönggerberg bieten…
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Abendessen Foodmarket

Auf dem Hönggerberg wird seit Ende der Pandemie das Abendessen ausschließlich in der Alumni Lounge angeboten. Vor Corona gab es während des Vollsemesters auch ein Abendangebot im food market. Diverse Studierende haben das fehlende Angebot bemängelt und wünschen sich wieder ein Nachtessensangebot. Daher testet der food market ab dem Vollsemester während zwei Monaten, ob ein…
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AVETH BookClub – Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics

The non-fiction AVETH bookclub takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month at ETH Hönggerberg (AVETH room – HWB E01). The discussion will formally start at 18:30h but you are always invited from 18:00h for a get-together with snacks and drinks. August For the August’s bookclub (Thursday 17th) we will travel around the globe to…
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Open Letter on the Leaky Pipeline

Have you been keeping up with the recent debates regarding the “Leaky Pipeline”? In June, AVETH Diversity and other ETH-affiliated organizations published a statement expressing our thoughts and criticisms on the recent situation. Our full statement can be found here. We have now provided a response statement to a reply to our letter, which can…
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Science Polish Perspectives Meetup Zurich 2023 (Registration)

Registration for SPP Meetup Zurich is officially open! Interested in AI and the future of health care? Join Polonium Foundation in Zurich at ETH to learn and discuss the latest trends in the field! Register here: SPP Meetup Zurich is organised in collaboration with AVETH – Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich,…
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BioIncubate is a student-run incubator for innovation bridging academia & industry that will launch this September 2023. The program enables students to develop their skills solving real-world problems and workshop their concepts with scientists from industry. There are two tracks for student teams to get involved: 1) Startup Track for entrepreneurial teams with their own…
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Photo exhibition: Ukraine: beautiful and unbreakable

Photo exhibition: Ukraine: beautiful and unbreakable Since February 24, 2022, or, to be more precise, since February 2014, Ukraine has been predominantly perceived through the lens of war, accompanied by distressing news. The majority of publications concerning Ukraine now revolve around military actions and the plight of those who have been compelled to flee due…
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Inter-DA lunchmates

Hi there! Have you always wanted to meet doctoral students and postdocs from other DAs? Or are you looking for more lunch buddies? Please look no further! Together with other DAs we have started lunchmates. If you sign up to our lunchmates community, you will be assigned to new lunch buddies on your campus every…
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