Month: December 2022

Fix the Leaky Pipeline Kick-off event

The Fix the Leaky Pipeline (FLP) programme, a career building programme in the ETH Domain, will launch its annual programme by a Kick-off event taking place on February, 3rd 2023 at Uni Bern. It offers young female scientists (doctoral students, postdocs and other young scientists) the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations, to develop…
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iPSZürich lecture series

The induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lecture series brings together early-career researchers and experts working on exciting new innovations in the field. The main goal is to provide a forum to disseminate state-of-the-art iPSC research, trigger free-ranging discussions and help to inspire ideas for current research projects in the field of iPSC technologies. For more…
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iPSZürich Symposium 2023 – abstract submission open!

On 14th of April, iPSZürich organizing committee will host a symposium to highlight advances in the field of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The goal is to bring researchers working with iPSCs from Switzerland and abroad to share their work, to gain invaluable insights from experts and to network. The symposium will encompass three key…
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AVETH Book Club

Do you also like to read the books that comment on our times and sometimes wonder who you can share your thoughts with? Join Jackie, Audald and assiduous participants for a new session of the AVETH Bookclub. As a fresh start of the year, on January 19th, we will cover and discuss about “Thinking, Fast…
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The Branco Weiss Fellowship: Offering Unique Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Branco Weiss Fellowship addresses junior researchers with a record of outstanding scientificachievement, a passion for venturing into new territories and who are willing to engage in a dialogueon relevant social, cultural, political, or economic issues across the frontiers of their particulardisciplines. Up to ten fellowships are awarded each year. Fellows have the freedom to…
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AVETH Christmas Apéro 2022

On the 30th of November, we had our AVETH Christmas event at the Dozentenfoyer at ETH.

Opening event – Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran12. December 2022 – 27. January 2023, HIL Foyer

Future Cities Lab Global

Future Cities Lab Global is currently one of the most comprehensive research programs tackling the challenges of modern urbanism. How circular, greener, denser, energy independent and resilient cities will transform in the next decades is the focus of the work of our 70+ researchers. In order to connect the 2 research hubs of Zurich and Singapore, bring together the…
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Campus rally for Iran

On 30.11 at ETH and other 100+ universities all over the world a Campus Rally for #Iran was held.  Our President attended and gave a speech to express AVETH support for the Iranian community.