Category: External

Summer Science Hike trip to Balusee

Join LS2 and Colleagues on a Summer Science Hike trip to spectacular blue lake Blausee, BE on 30 June 2024. A variety of scientific topics with surrounding local hiking trails challenge you to present your research in 1 minute!  This hike is an opportunity to unwind, reconnect with your fellow scientists and learn something new about life sciences.…
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Horizons – The Swiss Research Magazine

The research magazine Horizonte, published by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+, reports on scientific research in Switzerland and deals with research policy issues. If you are interested in taking a look, here are the links to the respective online editions of Horizons. The new issue…
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SKY Campus Happiness program

SUPERCHARGE your academic life with the SKY Campus Happiness program! Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the demands of academic life? Take a step towards greater well-being and happiness with the SKY Campus Happiness Program! Join us for a transformative weekend workshop designed specifically for the academic community. Experience evidence-based mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork…
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Votation Information

Kündigungs-Initiative Allez voter! Geht wählen! Andate a votare! Go vote! Am 27.09 wird mit der BEGRENZUNGS / KÜNDIGUNGS Initiative über das Ende aller bilateralen Verträge zwischen der Schweiz und der EU abgestimmt. Die Annahme hätte verheerende Konsequenzen für die Wissenschaft in der Schweiz. Bitte, informiert euch, denkt darüber nach, vor allem geht wählen, und motiviert eure…
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Statement on the recent news coverage of ETH Zurich

The following text was sent to our members on 27.3.2019. We publish it here for members of the scientific staff and other interested people that did not receive it. We welcome questions, remarks and critiques: Dear doctoral students, postdocs and higher scientific staff, With this letter, we express our opinion on the news coverage…
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position paper by “actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau”

Today actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau published its position paper on the promotion of young researchers at Swiss higher education institutions. The position paper was drawn up jointly with all members and unanimously adopted at the last delegates’ meeting.  Florian Lippke, former Co-President of actionuni and member of the Swiss Accreditation Council, commented: We are aware that every university…
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