Aveth bookclub – The Scent of Time

The June’s edition of the non-fiction AVETH book club will feature The Scent of Time by Byung-Chul Han. It will take place on the 12th of June at ETH Zentrum (AVETH room – SOL B4). The discussion will start at 18:30h.
About the book: The Scent of Time is concerned with how everyday hyperactivity depletes people’s lives of all ability to linger and be contemplative, which renders a fulfilling experience of time impossible. Byung-Chul Han, the German-Korean philosopher, argues for relearning of the art of lingering and revitalization of the vita contemplativa to overcome the current time crisis.
After the discussion, we will subsequently head to a restaurant for dinner, which along with a drink will be covered by AVETH. Please, register via this link: https://forms.gle/5ov2YWerk9jR65sm8

Further information
If you have a query or want to be included in our mailing list please contact here https://groups.google.com/g/aveth-book-club.
Ideally, for the sake of a fruitful discussion, the participants should read the book, at least partially, in advance. But, in any case, we will provide an initial context of the author and the book, and then we will move to a guided (yet flexible) discussion.