50years – AVETH since 1969

With last nights dinner, we concluded our AVETH 50th anniversary. It has been a year full of learning – as participants in workshops and talks, as an organization, as individuals and, for me personally, as the Vice President of AVETH (scientific staff at ETH Zurich).
Not knowing what I was getting myself into at the end of 2018, the position as the AVETH Vice President came with a project: AVETH got the once-in-a-lifetime chance to celebrate its 50th birthday. Leading the anniversary project came with a lot of new tasks for me, from delightful to demanding: budget responsibility, shareholder management, event organisation, team leading, spontaneous trouble shooting and far beyond that, dealing and communicating with persons – in the board, in the project teams, with the members, with the sponsors, with ETH responsibles, with helpers, with participants etc. And I learned a lot!
It has been inspiring and a privilege to work together with everyone this past year, be it for the 50th Anniversary event series, or for the other events and meetings we have organized.
To the participant of the dinner – AVETH Vice president Linda Wehner
In the beginning of 2019, we started off as a two-woman team, slowly but happily growing to a more divers team of five. Our plan: to bring the often forgotten, but useful skills of communication and interpersonal interactions to our members. Combining the pleasant with the useful, we offered education, socializing and good food. According to the motto “the future starts at 50” and “spice up your future”, 10 take away talks, two workshops and one main event provided insights into highly useful skills and introduced the ETH support offices for courses and workshops. The topics ranged from science communication to career-related support. Food and fun did also have their place in the program of the past year. Numerous aperos were following the talks and a BBQ was the main attraction with 200 participants in summer.
Read more about the various events of the 50years celebrations here.