
The Branco Weiss Fellowship: Offering Unique Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Branco Weiss Fellowship addresses junior researchers with a record of outstanding scientific achievement, a passion for venturing into new territories and who are willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political, or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular disciplines. Up to ten fellowships are awarded each year. For up…
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AOZ concert

Let the music charm you! Akademisches Orchester Zürich will play Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 on a December evening in the Tonhalle Zürich. Join us for this amazing event in the classical ambient and let the 120-years -old-music move you. Also, the AOZ itsef is over 100 years old and counts over 80 members. They…
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Warmth and presents for those in need in Ukraine – Collection of humanitarian aid and Christmas gifts

This autumn, UASAZ launches a new round of humanitarian aid collection for Ukraine and a collection of gifts for children affected by the war (from the de-occupied and near-to-the-frontline cities and villages). November 14, Thursday and November 29, Friday09:30-16:30SOL building of ETH Zurich (Zentrum Campus), room B4Sonneggstrasse 33, 8006 Zürich Humanitarian aid: Like in the past…
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Looking for support in your career by a mentor (from academia or industry)?

The Fix the Leaky Pipeline program (FLP) offers one-to-one mentoring program, starting in spring 2025 (duration one year). You qualify for applying for this program if you are a female doctoral student in your 3rd year or above or a female postdoc in one of the six institutions of the ETH Domain during the entire…
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WiNS Academia Panel Discussion

Do you wonder what it takes to rise through the ranks and become a professor? Join us for an insightful and informal discussion with our speakers, who will share their personal academic journeys and answer all your burning questions in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.  Featuring: Prof. Dr. Nathalie Grob, Prof. Dr. Natalia Pikor, Prof. Dr. Athina…
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DocNet Symposium: “Rethinking Growth”

Dear AVETH Community, We are thrilled to invite your members to the upcoming DocNet Symposium, themed “Rethinking Growth: Perspectives on Social and Economic Prosperity”, which will take place on November 21, 2024, at 4:00 pm at the SQUARE, St. Gallen. This symposium will dive into the traditional growth paradigm and its wide-reaching impacts on society,…
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First ETH Net Zero campaign

At ETH Zurich, we want to achieve a far-reaching reduction in all climate-impacting emissions on campus, in teaching and research with an efficient package of measures. In March 2024, the Executive Board of ETH therefore adopted the “ETH Net Zero” program. By 2030, we are aiming to reduce at least 50% of direct emissions from…
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Who do you nominate for the Diversity Award 2024?

Every year, AVETH presents the Diversity Award together with ETH Diversity with the aim of strengthening ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion at ETH Zurich. Organisations/groups and individuals that support underrepresented groups in the ETH community and who are actively committed to diversity and inclusion at ETH Zurich can be nominated. The first-place individual and…
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Together for a Thriving and Healthy Academia! Take our Survey! 

Dear valued member of the mid-level academic staff, How do you experience your academic life? How do you envision it? AVETH Cares! Therefore, we are conducting the Swiss-Wide Mental Health Survey 2024 (SWiMS) together with actionuni (the Swiss umbrella organization for mid-level staff associations). The goal of this survey is to identify problems and areas…
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Join us for the epic AVETH South & Central America Pub Quiz! 

Want to test your knowledge about South & Central America and compete against teams from other ETH Departments? We will ask questions from various categories including music vibes, culture, nature and many more. And don’t worry you don’t have to be from South or Central America to answer them. To guarantee a fun evening we…
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