Breathwork and Meditation Workshop Series

Breathwork and Meditation Workshop Series

Seeking balance in the midst of academic demands?

Join us for the Breathwork and Meditation Workshop series. Open to all members of our academic community, this session offers a space to unwind, reduce stress, and enhance focus. Learn more about the powerful SKY breathwork technique to quiet the mind and nurture inner peace. Reserve your spot now and prioritise your well-being!


Dates: Wednesdays – 08, 15, 22 May 2024

Time: 18:30 – 20:00 (includes time for Q&A over an apero)

Meeting time: 5 minutes before the start of the session

Meeting location: ETH HG E 42, Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich

Language of the workshop: English

Organisers: AVETH Events Team, in collaboration with SKY Campus Zurich

Registration link:
