LGBTQIA+ Get-Together at ETHZ
This fall semester, for the first time, there will be an LGBTQIA+ get-together for all ETH members who identify as part of the community or as an ally. We want to discuss how to improve the life of the LGBTQIA+ community at ETH Zurich and how to make ETH Zurich a more inclusive room free of discrimination. This event is organized by ETH members and ETH Diversity. Besides casual exchange, we want to talk about topics like inclusive language, joint activities (e.g., participation of ETH Zurich at the Pride Festival), or discriminative situations. We want to see what we need as a community. We would love to share our experiences, and if interested create a digital channel for further exchange or activities!
When: Wednesday, 5th of October, 7 – 9 p.m.
Where: ETH Zurich Zentrum, room info TBA via Email
Thanks for signing up and we look forward to see you at the event!
If you have any questions, contact us via Email: