WiNS Career Series – From oceans to mountain (and into the desert) by Samantha Gordine

We would like to introduce our upcoming Career Series event happening on April 9th: Meet Samantha Gordine, Sustainability Solution Lead @Arcondis.
During this talk, Samantha will take you on a journey: diving into her PhD on elephant seals, surmounting rocky maintains upon transitioning out of academia to her latest scientific explorations in the desert.
Samantha is a passionate marine biologist by training with a keen interest in sustainability, science education and marine and environmental law. She completed her PhD in Marine Biology at the University of St Andrews. Since starting her career, Samantha worked across sectors in academia, the non-profit sector and in the life science industry. Upon moving to Switzerland, she joined the boutique healthcare consulting firm, Arcondis, as a consultant and business developer. She is now establishing and developing Arcondis sustainability solutions portfolio both as a Principal Sustainability Consultant and Sustainability Solution Lead. As part of her current work, Samantha works with major pharmaceutical companies, non-profits, HCOs and other healthcare-related organisations to develop sustainable product lifecycles, make labs more sustainable and drive research for one health outcomes. One of her latest flagship programmes focuses on the health of camels, drawing on Samantha’s scientific experience in biodiversity conservation and animal behaviour.
Knowing the challenges our world faces, Samantha is driven to help people make the right choices. She is interested in a range of topics such as global health, sustainability, climate change and wildlife crime. Although these topics may seem broad and unconnected, Samantha’s work aims to connect them as elements of the same picture – a healthy planet.
Join us for the talk and the apero afterwards, everyone is welcome! Register HERE
Talk: From ocean to mountains (and into the desert) by Samantha Gordine
When: April 9th, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, followed by an apero
Where: ETH Hönggerberg Campus, Building HIL E6
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!