Author: Chamith Karannagodage

ALEA-Award: Aufruf zur Nominierung / Call for Nominations

Liebe ETH-Angehörige Dieses Jahr wird der ALEA – Art of Leadership Award bereits zum achten Mal verliehen. Diese Auszeichnung ehrt Personen, die sich durch einen vorbildlichen Führungsstil hervorheben. Damit sind all diejenigen gemeint, die verantwortungsvoll handeln, Inklusion leben, auf das Wohlbefinden ihrer Teams achten, sie coachen und fördern, ihnen mit Respekt und Wertschätzung begegnen oder…
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AVETH Sustainability Team – Get-to-know Lunch

Since the creation of the AVETH sustainability team in 2023, we were very active to increase sustainability at ETH. For example, we significantly contributed to the establishment of the ETH Net Zero Program. If you want to learn more about our team, join us at one of our get-to-know lunches on You can help us…
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Visit to the WOW Museum with AVETH Events Team

Join us for an unforgettable adventure at the WOW Museum! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey filled with wonder and excitement? Discover the fascinating phenomena of illusions that challenge the limits of our perception at the WOW Museum! Join us on a group tour to explore the world of unique and immersive…
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WiNS Career Series – From oceans to mountain (and into the desert) by Samantha Gordine

We would like to introduce our upcoming Career Series event happening on April 9th: Meet Samantha Gordine, Sustainability Solution Lead @Arcondis.  During this talk, Samantha will take you on a journey: diving into her PhD on elephant seals, surmounting rocky maintains upon transitioning out of academia to her latest scientific explorations in the desert. Samantha is a passionate…
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TeachForward – Bridging Theory to Practice for Doctoral TAs

We are excited to introduce our latest initiative to all former participants of Learning to Teach: TeachForward – Bridging Theory to Practice. Learn more about our new format at: TeachForward – Bridging Theory to Practice In April, we are offering a workshop on Coaching Students, followed by Transformative Teaching in May, and an AI in Teaching…
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WiNS goes Sensirion

WiNS goes Sensirion on April 11th : Join us for an afternoon company visit, where you will get to peak behind the scenes of one of one of “ETH-started” most famous companies. We will get to see both the Sensor development and MEMS (microelectromechanical devices) production departments, followed by an apéro, all at the companies’…
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Robert Gnehm Grant

Financial support for doctoral candidates/postdocs with care responsibilities You are an ETH member, attending a conference, are on a short research stay, have to go on a business trip or are taking part in further training and additional expenses are incurred for the care of your child/children? Then you can apply for the Robert Gnehm…
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polyPITCH 2024

Are you interested in creating a startup? Apply for polyPITCH, the pitch competition for ETH mittelbau by April 7! Compete to win 8000 CHF in prizes and the chance to network with the Swiss startup community. The event will take place on April 30 in the ETH Dozentenfoyer and will include a nice apéro. Registration…
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Closing the Gender Investment Gap – with Patrizia Laeri

According to a recent Sotomo study, only 32% of women in Switzerland invest part of their savings in investments such as shares or funds, compared to 48% of males who do so. Do you want to start investing in the stock market but don’t know where to start? Do you want to know how you…
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Solution-based conflict resolution – a MeWell workshop

Event Name: Solution-based conflict resolution – a MeWell workshop When: Wednesday 20th March from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm including a free AperoWhere: ETHZ HG F33.5 Navigating complex exchanges form a key part of teamwork. At a diverse institution like ETH, doctorate and masters students are faced with constant exchanges within their teams, with peers and…
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