Author: Chamith Karannagodage

Elevate Your Career: Transition your CV from Academia to Industry through the workshop with CTC Resourcing Solutions!

Join us for a transformative workshop designed to bridge the gap between your academic achievements and a flourishing career in the Life Science industry. Learn directly from industry experts, Dr. Peter H. Kilian and Vanessa Gilardoni of CTC Resourcing Solutions, on how to navigate the Life Science industry, tailor your CV, and leverage your LinkedIn…
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Breathwork and Meditation Workshop Series

Seeking balance in the midst of academic demands? Join us for the Breathwork and Meditation Workshop series. Open to all members of our academic community, this session offers a space to unwind, reduce stress, and enhance focus. Learn more about the powerful SKY breathwork technique to quiet the mind and nurture inner peace. Reserve your…
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Reatch nanoTalks: Cloudy with a chance of science communication

In today’s data-driven world, seeing really is believing. One of the easiest ways to understand data is through visual representations. However, creating helpful visualizations is no easy task. From data that can tell us what the climate was like and is going to be like in the future to fun ways of understanding chemistry, speakers…
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WiegETHs 2024 – Survey on the mid-level academic staff at ETH

Have you already filled out the new WiegETHs survey? The new wiegETHs survey is out, and your participation is needed. AVETH and VSETH want to know more about how you are doing and how we can better support you in your work at ETH. Are your work stressing you out? Do you feel safe and…
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Beyond the Lab summer school

Are you interested in exploring viable avenues for natural scientists and engineers to engage with society beyond the lab? Then apply for the Beyond the Lab summer school! This 4-day ETH-EPFL summer school explores the nexus of science and policy, showing how scientists can address global issues and make a real-world impact. Participants will develop…
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PwC’s Advisory Insights

Join us for PwC’s Advisory Insights, a career event hosted in partnership with the Graduate Consulting Club. At the event, you will have the chance to explore three dynamic teams from Advisory and gain valuable insights into their daily work. Discover the exciting projects they are involved in as they share their experiences and expertise.…
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ALEA-Award: Aufruf zur Nominierung / Call for Nominations

Liebe ETH-Angehörige Dieses Jahr wird der ALEA – Art of Leadership Award bereits zum achten Mal verliehen. Diese Auszeichnung ehrt Personen, die sich durch einen vorbildlichen Führungsstil hervorheben. Damit sind all diejenigen gemeint, die verantwortungsvoll handeln, Inklusion leben, auf das Wohlbefinden ihrer Teams achten, sie coachen und fördern, ihnen mit Respekt und Wertschätzung begegnen oder…
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AVETH Sustainability Team – Get-to-know Lunch

Since the creation of the AVETH sustainability team in 2023, we were very active to increase sustainability at ETH. For example, we significantly contributed to the establishment of the ETH Net Zero Program. If you want to learn more about our team, join us at one of our get-to-know lunches on You can help us…
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Visit to the WOW Museum with AVETH Events Team

Join us for an unforgettable adventure at the WOW Museum! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey filled with wonder and excitement? Discover the fascinating phenomena of illusions that challenge the limits of our perception at the WOW Museum! Join us on a group tour to explore the world of unique and immersive…
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WiNS Career Series – From oceans to mountain (and into the desert) by Samantha Gordine

We would like to introduce our upcoming Career Series event happening on April 9th: Meet Samantha Gordine, Sustainability Solution Lead @Arcondis.  During this talk, Samantha will take you on a journey: diving into her PhD on elephant seals, surmounting rocky maintains upon transitioning out of academia to her latest scientific explorations in the desert. Samantha is a passionate…
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