Funding opportunities for postdocs

Funding opportunities for postdocs

Time: 6 December 2022, 15:00 – 17:00, by Zoom

Becoming independent is a goal and a challenge of the postdoctoral phase. Acquiring third-​party funding of your own can make an important contribution here.

ETH’s Grants Office, EU GrantsAccess and ETH Industry Relations would like to cordially invite you to a session on funding opportunities, aimed specifically at postdocs. During two hours, we will introduce you to a number of ETH-​internal, national, and international funding opportunities. You will learn how third party funding can contribute to the fostering of your career.

This event will focus on ETH-​internal funding instruments. Two experienced ETH researchers, who have successfully applied for some of these, will share their experience, success stories, and also struggles, and will be available for your questions:


Andrew Pun completed his PhD in Chemistry at Columbia University in 2019 and has since been a postdoc in the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory at D-​MAVT. For his outstanding achievements, he received numerous fellowships and awards both in the USA, such as the prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship, as well as at ETH Zurich, where he has been an ETH Fellow and Career Seeds Awardee. 

Chloé Pasin is a computational immunologist and biostatistician. During her career, she has received funding from several sources for a broad range of projects. She currently holds a Collegium Helveticum Junior Fellowship to investigate “The gendered Immune System”. The Collegium Helveticum is a multidisciplinary institute of ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the Zurich University of the Arts.

Picture: © ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg