Mental Health Survey (with cool prices!)

The mental health of students has suffered significantly during the pandemic. But even before Covid-19 students have been a particularly vulnerable group in regards to mental health. For this reason the Student Minds Project was founded by a number of student organisations. The goal of this national project is to protect students mental health, to destigmatize mental health issues at universities and to create more awareness.
To achieve this goal we need your help! In order to work on targeted solutions we need data to show us what exactly the problems are. Currently no such data on a national level exists. By filling out this survey you can directly support the project and help create a supportive environment at universities for mental health.
On this particular part of the project we are also working closely with Pro Mente Sana.
By participating you also have the chance to win the following prices:
– 2×30 CHF und 2×50 CHF for the Online-Shop rrrevolve
– 6 vouchers for first aid courses on mental health by ensa worth 380.- each.