New in Zürich Tour

You just moved to Zurich a nd don’t know the city at all? Or maybe the you didn’t have the chance yet to explore it properly? Or you live here already for a while but there are still many details which you would like to learn about Zurich? Then the NEW IN ZURICH tour is for you! Join us and the Free Walk Zurich to get acquainted with Zurich’s culture and life. Get to know about what is important when living here – the taxes, the political system, recycling, cultural specificities, services offered by the city of Zurich. You will have the chance to ask our guide all the details you want, and could even learn some basic words in Swiss German. Last but not least you will meet and chat with fellow newcomers to ETH and Zurich!
The tour will start at 6 pm sharp and last for approximately 90 min, so please dress accordingly. Afterwards we can go together for a drink (optional; location tba)!
Please register before noon on 15th of February!
Date: Thursday, 16th of February 2023
Time: 17:45 – 19:30 h (+ get together afterwards!)
Location: ETH Polyterasse, in front of the main ETH building (HG)
Organisers: AVETH events team via Free Walk Zurich Register here: