Panel discussion on transition back from industry to academia 08.04.2022 13:00 

Panel discussion on transition back from industry to academia 08.04.2022 13:00 

AVETH Postdoc+ team has a new event for you and I bet that you have never seen something like this before.

So.. you have heard about academia to industry transitions already a million times, and you understand how it works (hopefully).

But how about a transition back from industry to academia

Yes! There are people who decided that the grass is not necessarily greener in industry and made it back to the academia.

On Friday 08 April 2022, at 13:00-14:30 we will host a panel discussion with:

  • Goran Lovric:                      3 years in finance consulting -> Scientist at PSI
  • Marian Hertrich:                  7 years in Swiss nuclear waste storage company -> Lab Manager at ETH Zürich
  • Kirsten Moselund :              14 years at IBM -> full professor at EPFL
  • Benoit Chevalier-Roignant:  6 years in consulting (incl. BIG-4) -> Associate Professor at EMLyon

Our guests will share their life paths with you and we will chat together about their career experiences in a rather informal atmosphere. The event will be hosted in a hybrid mode (online + offline at the ETH Zentrum, HG). Please register with this link. The event will be hosted in a hybrid mode (ETH Zentrum, Audi Max, HG F30 and