Reminder: Survey “Return to the Office & Future of Work”

In order to produce the most comprehensive record possible of ETH staff views as a basis for the further refinement of approaches in the “Future of Work” phase, the VPPL is carrying out a survey that gives staff the opportunity to relay their experiences and preferences regarding the new flexible ways of working at ETH. Even if your function prevents you from working from home, we are still interested in hearing your opinion.
The survey will run from 11th to 22nd November 2022.
The survey will be conducted with the collaboration and technical support of Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW). FHNW will send you an e-mail ( on the 11th of November 2022 with a link to the survey, which takes around twenty-five minutes to complete.
Your data will be treated in strict confidence and only made available in summarised and anonymised form at the level of academic departments and Executive Board domains.
You can find all the relevant information online at Flexible working | ETH Zurich. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership (
We look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and thank you in advance for taking part!