World Press Photo 2023

Join us for a guided tour of World Press Photo 2023 – the most stunning photojournalism of the last year! The photos are selected by an international jury out of more than 60,000 entries by 3,752 photographers from 127 countries. The subjects range from the war in Ukraine to the impact of climate change and the protests in Iran. The exhibition is a look back at the global events of 2022 and allows us to take a step back from the fast-moving news cycle, consider world events from a fresh perspective, and critically reflect on them. After the visit, we can go together for a drink @…(optional).
Please register before noon on 29th of May!
Date: Thursday, 1st of June 2023 Time: 17:45 – 19:00 h (+ drinks @ …afterwards)
Location: Landesmuseum Zürich, Museumstrasse 2
Questions: Organisers: AVETH events team with Landesmuseum
Price: 5 CHF
Register here: