ETH Climate Panel Discussion October 26th, 17:00 to 19:30

Net-Zero : How can we achieve climate neutrality?
Climate change continues to impact more people every year. We need to act quickly. If global emission levels must be reduced to net-zero by 2050, what is Switzerland’s fair share? How can we reach Switzerland’s emission targets? How will this impact our cities and lifestyle?
Net-zero implies switching away from fossil fuels for transportation, buildings, electricity production. We need solutions for air travel and options for the long-term storage of carbon dioxide underground. Carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere by natural forest growth, afforestation or technical binding and storage. To respond to the challenges of climate change we also need efficient political instruments.
At the ETH climate panel discussion on October 26th, we will discuss concrete examples and whether the city of Zurich can achieve net-zero emissions by 2040?
The ETH climate panel discussion will take place in two parts:
– 17:00 to 18:15 Zoom Webinar and Presentations by 4 panelists:
Detlef Günther, Vice President of Research at ETH Zürich
Sonia Seneviratne, Professor for land-climate-dynamics at ETH Zürich
Jonas Fricker Project Lead on Climate Change for the City of Zürich
Robin Quartier CEO of VBSA and SwissZinc AG
– 18:30 to 19:30 Zoom Breakout Rooms and round table discussions around 8 topics (participants can switch from one breakout room to another as they wish):
Topic 1: How is the global climate changing? Latest analyses by the World Climate Council
Topic 2: What effects does climate change have on Switzerland and what are the associated risks?
Topic 3: How can we reach climate neutrality in Switzerland by 2050? Is it possible to reach climate neutrality even earlier?
Topic 4: Climate politics in Switzerland – what is the path forward after the referendum on the CO2 law
Topic 5: Negative emissions: What role do companies have to play?
Topic 6: Negative emissions: How much can forests and soils contribute?
Topic 7: Negative emissions: What is the potential of CO2 deposition?
Topic 8: Setting a good example: the net-zero university! How is that feasible?
This event is public. It is directed at political and commercial decision makers, organisations, researchers and students, at the media and also at the interested public audience. In particular the round table discussions in the second part of this event offer you an opportunity to discuss with experts. You are asked to please register before October 20th, 2021 at: