Women in Data Science Zürich Conference

On April 28, the fifth edition of Women in Data Science (WiDS) Zürich will take place. The latest data science related research and applications in a broad set of domains will be presented by outstanding female speakers. WiDS Zürich 2023 will feature a varied program with speakers from academia and industry. Participants, regardless of gender, can have in-depth discussions, be inspired during mentorship sessions and a networking reception, and present their work during the poster session. We are also offering travel grants, application deadline April 9, and free child care to our participants. WiDS Zürich aims to support and empower data scientists and provide visibility for women’s contributions in the field.
Register now:https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/women-in-data-science-conference-zurich-tickets-311270186507
More information:http://www.wids.ch