
ALEA Award 2020 – Call for nominations

Every year, the Art of Leadership Award honors exemplary leadership at ETH Zurich. It celebrates group leaders who implement innovative working conditions to better support the reconciliation of work, family, and personal development. Is your supervisor fair? inclusive? supportive? or more generally a great leader? Nominate them! More info: open until: October 16Contact:…
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Robert Gnehm Grants

This autumn young researchers and administrative and technical staff can apply for financial support, if they want to attend a conference, complete a short research stay abroad or go on a specific business trip/further education and if this results in extra costs for childcare. In the current situation grants can also be delivered for online…
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Votation Information

Kündigungs-Initiative Allez voter! Geht wählen! Andate a votare! Go vote! Am 27.09 wird mit der BEGRENZUNGS / KÜNDIGUNGS Initiative über das Ende aller bilateralen Verträge zwischen der Schweiz und der EU abgestimmt. Die Annahme hätte verheerende Konsequenzen für die Wissenschaft in der Schweiz. Bitte, informiert euch, denkt darüber nach, vor allem geht wählen, und motiviert eure…
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Workshop: Blender for Science

Take your scientific figures, schemes and illustrations to the next level by using free software Blender. The workshop is designed for beginners: you will learn how to import chemical structures into Blender, how to construct basic 3D shapes and how to give the material textures such as metals, dielectrics and glass to created objects. You…
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Wine & Cheese networking event

Dear PostDocs and Higher Scientific Staff, You are cordially invited to the Online Wine & Cheese networking event on Thursday, July 16th at 7 pm organized by the PostDoc+ Initiative within Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH (AVETH).Have a glass of wine, connect and meet other higher scientific staff at ETH for a fun evening…
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Coffee workshop

Have you always wondered what is the secret to an aromatic, smooth and rich coffee? Has drinking coffee become more of a quick fix to keep you awake instead of an enjoyment? If you would like to upgrade your brewing skills and equip yourself with the necessary knowledge that goes into preparing a great cup…
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Postdoc Welcome Event

Are you a new postdoc at ETH? Welcome! You are not alone. There are more than 1500 other postdocs and plenty of resources to help you out with research, career development, and many other issues. Some hints will be given on the Postdocs Welcome event, which will take place online on July 9th at 3 pm. The event is organized…
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Venture Briefing @ETHZ

Register for the free online Venture Briefing @ETHZ panel discussion on June 30th from 16h00 to 17h00 and gain first-hand entrepreneurship insights with Pascal Bieri, Co-Founder of Planted Foods. Pascal will discuss his journey and give you insights into how him and his team raised over 7 million CHF to build a successful startup, turning…
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AVETH Anti-racism statement

The AVETH Diversity team stands in solidarity with those across the world fighting to support the lives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). We commit ourselves to calling out and dismantling racism and patriarchal white supremacy. Our organization recognizes the need to make meaningful progress against racism in order to support BIPOC at…
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Coping with isolation: Perspectives from former and future astronauts

Join our event streaming live on YouTube!  Our panelists include former ESA Astronaut Claude Nicollier, and AnalogAstronaut Avgoustos Pantazidis. These experts will provide insight into their professional experiences in coping with isolation as well as of their personal journeys. Submit your questions using the link below and we’ll ask some of them live! When: Thursday,…
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