Category: Uncategorized

The Diversity Award

In collaboration with ETH Diversity, AVETH is conferring the Diversity Award for the third year on November 29th. Individuals and organisations will be honoured for their efforts to promote diversity and inclusion at ETH Zurich. Do you know a person or an organisation who has made a noteworthy impact in increasing diversity and the inclusion…
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WiNS Mentoring program

Studying at university can come with many challenges and uncertainties, but you are not alone! In the new WiNS mentoring program you will find support during your time at ETH. Meet experienced mentors from higher years of study who will answer your burning questions and guide you throughout the year, whether it be for academic…
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AVETH Diversity Seminar Series 2023: A journey to more inclusive practices at ETH

Are you interested in becoming a more engaged member of our ETH community but unsure about how to get started? AVETH Diversity invites you to a seminar in collaboration with ETH Diversity to learn how to turn ideas into actual projects that will make ETH more diverse and inclusive. You will have the opportunity to explore the…
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The Branco Weiss Fellowship: Offering Unique Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Branco Weiss Fellowship addresses junior researchers with a record of outstanding scientific achievement, a passion for venturing into new territories and who are willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political, or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular disciplines. Up to ten fellowships are awarded each year. Fellows have…
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AVETH Diversity Seminar Series 2023: First-generation students and academics at Swiss Universities: how social origin shapes educational biographies and careers

AVETH Diversity invites you to a seminar on first-generation students and academics in Switzerland.  In Switzerland today, the social origin, the socio-economic status, and the parents’ educational background still strongly determine children’s educational pathways and qualifications. Despite these findings, many motivated and capable First-Generation students enroll and succeed in higher education, and First-Gen academics contribute to…
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ETH Diversity active lunch break “Get to know your own biases”

We all have biases. There is nothing wrong with it. But it might lead to discrimination and inequality in some cases when it is not actively managed. This is why it is important to become aware of one’s own biases. For the first time ETH Diversity is offering the active lunch break “Get to know…
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AVETH Diversity Seminar Series 2023: Diversity Space Meeting or How to Create an Unbiased* Mind

AVETH Diversity invites you to an interactive workshop about effective communication. In our ETH community we meet and work with people from different cultural, ethnic, social, and generational backgrounds. Effective communication is essential for successful teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making, and enables collaboration, builds relationships, and reduces misunderstandings. By fostering open dialogue and active listening, we can create…
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Autumn Hiking Trip to Rochers-de-Naye!

Join LS2 and colleagues on 22 October 2023, as we embark on an autumn hiking trip to Rochers-de-Naye! This hike promises an authentic connection with nature and the splendid Swiss landscape. As we hike along the trails, soak in Lake Geneva’s beauty, surrounded by tranquil mountains and distant Swiss Alps. The trail winds through fragrant forests…
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New to Zurich tour 27.09.2023

Have you recently arrived in Zurich and are still finding your way around the city? Here’s your chance to discover the Zurich old town with the help of a local guide and meet others from ETH who are new in Zurich! After the tour, you can join us for a visit to a bar, where…
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AVETH BookClub – Factfulness

The September’s edition of the non-fiction AVETH bookclub will take place the 28th of Semptember at ETH Hönggerberg (AVETH room – HWB E01). The discussion will formally start at 18:30h but you are invited from 18:00h for a get-together with snacks and drinks. September On Thursday 28th we will explore the optimist vision of Hans,…
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