Category: Uncategorized

New Year’s resolution workshop: Jan 20th 18:30-19:30

„Do more sports “, „publish a paper “, „spend more time with friends and family “. Those are very common New Year’s resolutions of scientists. By the end of January though, most of those resolutions have already been forgotten. In this workshop, you will have the chance to learn why this is the case and…
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Sustainability Panel Discussion: Jan 20th 17:30

“D-MAVT Discusses: An Engineering Perspective on Climate Change and Sustainability. What is our responsibility as scientists and engineers to develop appropriate and sustainable technologies? How can we make concrete and ambitious contributions? Join the cross-generational panel discussion on 20 January at 5.30pm, organized by AV-MAVT. Panelists include Professors Elizabeth Tilley and Andre Bardow.“ Registration link: Time and place: 20.01.2022, 17:30,…
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PITCH how you TEACH: join the video-ADVENTure! Deadline 21.12.2021

Participating in a consolidated marathon “PITCH how you TEACH”. Tell the others about your teaching – be it a didactical approach, learning activity, funny story or any other experience!How? Very simple! Record 1min video and send it to until 21.12.During four advent Sundays, the videos will be stepwise published on the EPT website (upon…
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Soldier, Pilot, Engineer, PhD Student, Project Manager, Mom – how do you do it all?! 07/12/21 10:30

Nicola Winter is Germany’s second female fighter pilot ever, aerospace engineer, paramedic, PhD Student and a mother. She now works as a project manager for the DLR, the German aerospace center , coordinating satellite launches.She was one of only three women in the German Air Force to pilot the Eurofighter, Europe’s most advanced fighter plane. Nicola last…
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Questions for ETH Pavilion during WEF

The Office of the President wants to get your questions for our RETHINKING LIVING Pavilion, hosted by ETH Zurich during the WEF annual meeting in Davos: When you re-think living: What question(s) come to mind? What concerns you most? What’s the question you wish you had the answer to? The Office will pick a diverse…
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Celebrating Progress in Sustainability SNSF event December 14th, 16:00-18:00 CET

The event will feature the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Marie Heim-Vögtlin prize award ceremony for outstanding young women researchers. As you probably know, this year’s laureate is environmental analytical chemist Denise Mitrano (ETH Zürich), who received the award for her pioneering work on tracking the spread of micro- and nanoplastic particles through the environment.You…
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Social justice seminar series Nov 3, 11, 16, 30 17:00-18:00

The 2021 AVETH Social Justice Seminar Series is focused on disability rights and studies. Each year, this seminar series concentrates on a theme to create scholarly opportunities to learn more about social justice. We hope participation in the seminar series stimulates your curiosity and interest to be deliberately inclusive in your administrating, leadership, advising, mentoring,…
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Landesmuseum visit “Colours revealed by light”, November 24th, 17:45- 19:00

Need a bit of color during this grey Zürich autumn? Join us on a private tour of one of the world’s largest collections of stained glass works! The tour of the “Colours revealed by light” exhibit at the Landesmuseum will include beautiful stained glass from the Middle Ages to Modern Day, in addition to an…
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Trailblazers: Meet the women who are starting their own initiatives! November 19th, 12:00-13:30

a 500WS Zurich event with special guests: Céline Nauer: Co-founder of Code excursion Nataliya Kosmina: CEO of Brainin Sonia Meller: Founder of Digit Soil Valentina S. Velandia: Co-founder and Partnership Curator of Capacity Zurich Friday November 19th, 12:00-13:30 on Zoom. Register here and submit questions for the panelists! You will receive the Zoom link after…
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Board games night November 10th 18:30 -20:30

Are you interested in joining fellow AVETH members for an evening of casual board games in a relaxed environment? We’ll provide snacks, drinks and a selection of board games (7 Wonders, Azul, Clank, Codenames, Santorini, Sushi Go and more). Try the games on offer, bring your own, help teach others, or learn to play something…
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